A Tigard Podiatrist is collecting shoes of all sizes to send around the world.Author: KGW StaffPublished: 4:42 PM PST February 25, 2015Updated: 4:42 PM PST February 25, 2015

Tigard Podiatrist is collecting shoes of all sizes to send around the world.

“These belonged to my infant son and he wants to put them to good use,” said Dr. Ejiro Isiorho with a smile as he dangled a pair of tiny converse high tops.

The shoes will go to the international program called “SOLES4SOULS.”

“I have treated patients in South Africa and they tell me it comes down to food or shoes and they have to feed their families,” he said.

The shoe collection will continue through mid-April and there are more than 30 donation sites.

According to the website New American Dream men own an average of 12 pairs and women average 27.

“We really only need two pair,” concluded Dr. Isiorho,”we can put all the extras to good use.”


This article originally appears on the KGW8 Site. FOLLOW THIS LINK to see this article in its original context.

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